Wednesday, December 26, 2012

XDA University, 'Virtual Campus' for Android Lovers

XDA University, Virtual Campus for Android Lovers. In order to facilitate the instigators of Android around the world, the XDA Developers community formed a special container for anyone who wants to learn more about the operating system.

Android is the mobile operating system is becoming the most popular. Not just because a lot of variety of devices that use them, but the variety of ways in which to maximize the operating system.

Yes, Android is very different from other mobile OS, Android users are free to choose the version you want, or remove unneeded applications components.

The entire Android tips and tricks had already shelled out the sets on the XDA Developers forum, but that it's still not enough. Communities are now driven by the 4.7 million members that form a 'virtual campus' specifically for Android.

"XDA University is no source of information for those of you who brought the developers behind XDA Developers," wrote the site XDA University, Wednesday (26/12/2012).

If explored further, this site provides virtually all the tips needed by Android users. Complete with video how to make apps for Android, or how to crack Android based phones. All presented with step-by-step easy to understand.

But keep in mind that the virtual campus is not designed to gain advantage for the visitor, but only limited for Android lovers.

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