Sunday, December 16, 2012

WhatsApp Will Not Be Present in BlackBerry 10

WhatsApp will not be present in BlackBerry 10. Multi-platform messenger application WhatsApp reportedly not interested to be present in the operating system BlackBerry 10.

On the other hand Research In Motion (RIM) is racing against time to introduce BlackBerry 10 to the public on Jan. 30 which expected to be the best BlackBerry variant of all time.

As reported CrackBerry, WhatsApp has so far had no plans to pitch in BlackBerry 10. In fact, the current instant messaging application is like to be one of the mandatory application used by BlackBerry users.

With its simple to connect smartphones from various platforms to automatically synchronize contacts who also have this application, WhatsApp arguably managed to bridge the existing gap between the platforms.

Then, should the users of BlackBerry 10 upset with the lack of any support for WhatsApp? Do not worry, RIM promises to bring the multi-platform messenger application on the handset, so that dependence on WhatsApp irresistible.

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